Golden Gate Park's Hidden Treasures | San Francisco Travel-威尼斯人官网平台
Dutch Windmill in Golden Gate Park

Golden Gate Park's Hidden Treasures

Whether you visit the park regularly or you’ve never been, 在威尼斯人官网平台app最有趣的地方之一发现最好的事情.

在它的1,000多亩, 金门公园包含了威尼斯人官网平台app最著名和最受欢迎的景点. Everyone knows about museums like the 加州科学院, 德扬博物馆 or the Conservatory of Flowers and serene spaces like the 日本茶园 and the San Francisco Botanical Gardens, but there is still plenty to see that you might not know about yet. 通读一遍,现在是时候超越那些众所周知的东西,为自己发现金门公园隐藏的宝藏了.


Located at the west end of the park (47th Ave. 富尔顿街.), the archery field is open to archers of all skill levels. 这块地有九捆干草供大家共用,设备也可以在附近租用. Archers are encouraged to bring their own targets, bows and arrows. 如果你没有弓,箭,和其他与运动相关的运动装备,就近 威尼斯人官网平台app射箭店 (巴尔博亚街3795号.) offers complete equipment package rentals.


当你能在金门公园看到真正的水牛漫步时,为什么还要去牧场的家呢? 看看这些雄伟的生物, who have called the park home since 1890, 在空旷的地方, 约翰F. 肯尼迪大街. To reach this entertaining attraction, head for the western end of the park, where a large fenced-in region holds these prized animals. This splendid sight is also located close to North Lake, as well as the corner of Chain of Lakes Drive East. Interesting fact: although you may not have the chance to observe, bison are known to reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour.


Located steps from the Pacific Ocean on the west side of the park is the 沙滩上的小木屋. Stop by for lunch, dinner, or drinks. 周一来吃上等排骨吧, 以上等肉为特色的, and plenty of sides and for $5 more, 你可以加一份甜点. Don't forget about the $10 martinis. 西班牙殖民时期的建筑和与这座建筑相关的历史(以前是海滩嬉戏者的换房)值得一看, 太.


北风车高75英尺,最初建于1902年,用于抽水. 今天,它以公园西北角的历史地标周围成千上万的彩色郁金香而闻名. 风车任何时候都值得一游,但郁金香时期(2月和3月)是最好的. 荷兰风车最初建成时是如此成功的吸引人,以至于第二座风车, 摩菲风车, named after a local banker and benefactor, is located in the southwest corner of the park.


Inhabited by drum circles and covered in a haze of cannabis smoke, 嬉皮希尔 is always good for an adventure. Infamous for the flower children who gathered there during the 1960s, 在阳光明媚的日子里,草地和斜坡仍然是欣赏城市和观看人群的好地方.


From 1946 to 1970, the San Francisco 49ers called Kezar体育场 home. 今天, Kezar仍然是一个多功能体育场,举办大学足球比赛和其他体育赛事, 比如当地的曲棍球, 足球, 还有田径队. There's also an eight-lane track open for public use. 虽然体育场不像全盛时期那么大了,但它仍然可以容纳一万人.


Located at the center of the museum district of the park, 音乐大厅最初是为1894年仲冬集市的庆祝活动而建的. 从4月到10月,每周日都有金门公园乐队的免费演出, and keep an eye out for other major headliners. Don’t forget to say "hi" to Ludwig Van Beethoven, Ulysses S. 格兰特,以及广场上排列的其他历史人物雕像. A schedule of events can be found at


国家艾滋病纪念树林是为受艾滋病影响的数百万人而建的. 这座纪念碑的起源是在艾滋病流行最严重的时候,当时一小群威尼斯人官网平台app人试图找到一个神圣的地方来纪念死于艾滋病的亲人. 简称为"小树林", 它是作为一个专门的空间而创建的,数百万直接或间接感染艾滋病的美国人可以聚集在一起治疗, 希望, 记住.  In 1996, 立法被签署成为法律, 将“格罗夫”提升为全国唯一由联邦政府指定的国家艾滋病纪念馆. 这个空间向公众开放野餐,并定期举办表演艺术活动和婚礼.


There's plenty of public art to see throughout the park, 租一辆自行车进行自助游是最容易探索的. 让-米歇尔·奥索尼尔的《威尼斯人官网平台》是一个不容错过的雕塑,它被安装在花卉温室的前面. 这个由黄金和铝制成的动态雕塑向罗盘玫瑰致敬.

Located in the Koret Playground are Vicki Saull's sandy creatures. Children are free to frolic and play amongst these aquatic forms.

There are multiple bronze monuments scattered throughout the park, 太. Learn about the important roles that public figures like John McLaren, 托马斯·斯塔尔·金, 约翰·潘兴将军, and many others have played in San Francisco.

Make your way to the western end of Golden Gate Park to 沙滩上的小木屋, 在那里你会发现一幅令人印象深刻的大萧条时期壁画家吕西安·拉博特的壁画, who spent most of his career in San Francisco. He's also best known for the murals he created at 屁股塔.

阿瑟·佩奇·布朗的《威尼斯人官网平台app》是1906年威尼斯人官网平台app地震的遗迹, consisting of the marble remains of the Towne mansion. This public art can be found on the north shore of Lloyd Lake. 今天, it's used as a popular backdrop for weddings and photo ops.


20世纪30年代, colorful lights were installed to illuminate this beautiful waterfall, 因此得名. 当游客在交叉大道附近进出公园时,瀑布迎接他们. 如果你想徒步旅行,可以看看瀑布顶部附近的祈祷书十字架. 这座凯尔特风格的地标建筑可以追溯到1894年,是公园里最高的建筑. 观赏瀑布的最佳时间是在清晨或下午晚些时候,在大多数人群出现之前.


Two of San Francisco’s biggest music festivals, Outside Lands and 几乎没有严格的蓝草, bring thousands of people to Golden Gate Park and, 具体地说, to these two meadows every August and October. 你可以在一年中的任何时候去这些草地上野餐, 甜蜜的户外小憩, 或者玩飞盘游戏. 


老少咸宜的景点, Spreckels湖 is the perfect place to stroll, 慢跑, 自行车, or read under the Monterey Cypress trees. 位于公园的北侧,你会发现sprecels湖靠近第36大道. 这个湖是以糖业巨头、前威尼斯人官网平台app公园专员阿道夫·B·杰克逊的名字命名的. Spreckels. 在模型游艇中,你要留心寻找青蛙、海龟和鱼.


蓝鹭湖, Golden Gate Park's biggest body of water, 公园中心有一个原始的人工湖,你可以在那里租一艘船吗 蓝鹭湖船屋. The surrounding views and grounds are gorgeous. 船屋咖啡馆出售食物、小吃和饮料,让你在整个公园探险中保持活力. It’s a lovely place to spend the afternoon. 


Situated in the middle of 蓝鹭湖 and 430-feet-high, the island is the highest point in the park. Take the Rustic Bridge or the Roman Bridge on either side, and hike to the top to see a stunning view of Mt. Tamalpais和 金门大桥. Don’t forget to meditate at the 金门大桥 Pavilion, 这是一座类似寺庙的中式建筑,是台北市为纪念早期中国定居者而赠送的礼物. Take the southern bridge to get there. 你可能永远都不想离开.



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